January 15, 1890: West Virginia Legislators Convene To Choose Governor

On January 15, 1890, West Virginia legislators convened in special session to choose the state’s new governor. The most recent gubernatorial election had been deadlocked for an incredible 14 months.

After the initial election tally in November 1888, Republican Nathan Goff Jr. had held a 106-vote lead over Democrat A. B. Fleming. But Fleming challenged the count, asserting that black voters from Virginia had crossed state lines to vote illegally in McDowell and Mercer counties. Inauguration day produced an absurd scene in which both Goff and Fleming were sworn in as governor. Meanwhile, the sitting governor, E. Willis Wilson, refused to leave office until the dispute could be resolved. The state supreme court backed Wilson, who continued to serve for the next 14 months.

In January 1890, the legislature voted along straight party lines in favor of the Democrat Fleming. One of Fleming’s accomplishments as governor was to enact a uniform statewide ballot to help ensure more consistent election returns in the future.

Demonstrating how closely the electorate was divided in 1888, three of the state’s four congressional races also were contested that year.

January 6: 'Old Christmas' Celebrated Across West Virginia, Appalachia

 January 6 is the day traditionally known as Old Christmas. It’s a relic of the Julian Calendar, developed 2,000 years ago. In the late 1500s, Pope Gregory XIII changed the calendar to match the solar cycle more closely. To do so, the Julian Calendar had to be reduced from 376 to 365 days, eliminating 11 full days. Some countries, though, resisted the change and kept the old Julian Calendar. It took nearly 200 years for England and Scotland to come around. Both countries adopted the Gregorian Calendar in 1752.

About this time, many of these English and Scots were emigrating to the Americas and settling in Appalachia. Some didn’t know about the change or refused to adopt the new Gregorian Calendar and kept the extra 11 days in their calendars. This meant that for them, Christmas fell on January 6 rather than December 25. Over time, most Christians in Appalachia started observing December 25 as Christmas. However, until fairly recently, Old Christmas was still celebrated in some rural areas of West Virginia. It’s recalled in various traditions such as in the fiddle tune “Old Christmas Morning.”

January 5, 1887: New Capitol Building Dedicated in Charleston

On January 5, 1887, Governor E. Willis Wilson hosted a ball and banquet to dedicate West Virginia’s new capitol building in downtown Charleston. The event marked the end of what had become a running joke in the state’s early years—the location of the capital city. In the first two decades of statehood, the capital had already been moved from Wheeling to Charleston and back to Wheeling, again.

The dedication event in Charleston marked the capital’s final journey—at least in terms of host cities.

This new Victorian Capitol was a massive stone-and-brick structure built on the site of Charleston’s first capitol. Although it wasn’t fully completed until early 1887, state employees had started moving in a year-and-a-half earlier. Its 85 rooms originally housed all state agencies. But, the size of government was growing rapidly. In 1903, a capitol annex was built across the street to accommodate some agencies, including the state archives and museum. The annex later became the Kanawha County Public Library.

In January 1921, the Victorian Capitol was completely destroyed by fire. Three years later, construction work would begin on the state’s current capitol building.

Today At 2 PM – Listen To West Virginia Public Theatre Perform 'A Christmas Carole' As A Radio Play

A Christmas Carol Live Radio Show

Listen on WVPB Radio December 24 at 7 PM and December 25 at 2 PM.

Live theater has been a challenge in 2020, but the staff of West Virginia Public Theatre refused to give up. Faced with the task of creating their traditional holiday show during a pandemic, the creative team came up with an old-fashioned idea for our current times.

With the utmost safety precautions in place, they gathered a group of actors, sound effects artists, designers and recording technicians to create a show in the tradition of live radio theater.

The result? A Christmas Carol Live Radio Show, recorded live by West Virginia Public Theater in collaboration with West Virginia Public Broadcasting.

“It is very important to the artistic staff and Board of Directors of WVPT that we continue our long-standing holiday tradition of providing moving and inspiring holiday theater events,” said Jerry McGonigle, Artistic Director at WVPT. “We hope that our effort can contribute to the communal Christmas spirit captured in Charles Dickens’ uplifting ghost story, and that we, in our own small way, can help lift the gloom of 2020 for our audiences and friends.”

This year’s ‘Christmas Carol’ will be unlike any you’ve seen or listened to before, as it was adapted straight from the book by Andy Lyons, who plays Scrooge in the production.

“I realized during this process, and much to my surprise, that I have only been exposed to theatrical adaptations of ‘A Christmas Carol’ – both as an audience member, and as an actor,” Lyons said. “Dickens tells us exactly what the streets look and sound and smell like, what the people are wearing; even what the shadows look like falling on Scrooge’s front door. Therefore, in most adaptations we see the descriptions – in the costumes, lighting, and set design – and only hear a fragment of what he wrote. So, I’m really looking forward to sharing this wonderful story in a medium that will allow more of Dickens’ words to take us on this magical journey.”

West Virginia Public Theatre Presents: A Christmas Carol Live Radio Show

The performance features eight actors playing 35 different characters. Additionally, there will be two Foley artists creating sound effects, such as wind blowing, doors shutting, ghostly ambiance, and rattling chains. The director, Lee Blair, has directed and performed in ‘A Christmas Carol’ before, but never in this capacity.

“This is my fifth ‘Christmas Carol’ in my career: three times acting and two times directing,” said Blair. I’ve been Young Scrooge, Marley, The Ghost of Christmas Future and Scrooge himself.”

Before the rehearsal process began, all actors and creatives involved in the show were required to take rapid COVID-19 tests. Additionally, during the rehearsal process actors were spaced out, 8 feet apart, and required to wear masks at all times.

West Virginia Public Theatre
The cast of West Virginia Public Theatre’s 2020 production of ‘A Christmas Carol Live Radio Show’ in performance.

“Since we’ve been dealing with the pandemic since March really, theater has pretty much been shut down,” Blair said. “To be able to be back (safely) in a performance space with actors, designers, technicians, and for this project, cameramen and sound engineers, this ‘Christmas Carol’ was a true blessing and joy.”

From months of adapting the script, to hurdling the obstacles COVID-19 has thrown their way, West Virginia Public Theatre is proud to keep up their holiday traditions with a Christmas show and give this gift of live theater to the public.

You can listen to A Christmas Carol Live Radio Show on WVPB Radio statewide December 24, 2020 at 7 PM and December 25, 2020 at 2 PM.

December 16, 1919: Dancer Andre Van Damme Born in Belgium

Dancer Andre Van Damme was born in Belgium on December 16, 1919. Shortly after his 16th birthday, he was admitted to the ballet company of the Royal Opera House of Brussels. When his country fell to the Nazis in 1940, Van Damme joined the underground while continuing to perform. 

After the war, economic hardships took their toll. Van Damme and his family emigrated to the United States in 1947 and settled in New York City. Charleston pianists John and Josephine Hiersoux soon convinced Van Damme to move to West Virginia and purchase a ballet school that was on the market.

Van Damme settled in Charleston in 1948 and opened the American Academy of Ballet. In 1956, he founded the Charleston Ballet, which, in 1972, was designated the official West Virginia State Ballet. He choreographed more than 100 original ballets for the Charleston Ballet and routinely danced lead roles during its early years.

Andre Van Damme remained in Charleston until his death in 1989 at age 69. The Charleston Ballet continues to offer regular concerts, including an annual holiday production of ‘‘The Nutcracker.’’

The Silver Bridge Collapses Killing 46: December 15, 1967

December 15, 1967, was one of the darkest days in West Virginia history. Sadly, it was only the first of many tragic days that West Virginians would suffer.

The Silver Bridge, which connected Point Pleasant with Gallipolis, Ohio, had opened to traffic in 1928. It was the first bridge in the nation to use an innovative eyebar-link suspension system rather than a traditional wire-cable suspension.

But one of those eyebars had a small, unseen defect. The faulty eyebar eventually cracked and began to corrode, out of sight from the public or bridge inspectors. At about 5 p.m. on December 15, the eyebar failed, setting off a series of other failures that caused the bridge to collapse.

It was rush hour, and the bridge was packed with cars. Thirty-one vehicles plunged into the icy waters of the Ohio River. Twenty-one people survived, but 46 died in the disaster.

The Silver Bridge tragedy led to national changes in how bridges were inspected. At St. Marys—some 100 miles upstream from Point Pleasant—another 40-year-old bridge of the same design was immediately closed and later demolished.

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