New Battlefield Site Replacing Dilapidated Harpers Ferry Buildings
Five derelict buildings in Harpers Ferry are being torn down beginning this month. A new battlefield landscape will take their place.
Continue Reading Take Me to More NewsRepresentatives from energy and manufacturing industries, as well as policy makers came to Wheeling this week to talk about infrastructure challenges in the region.
The Consumer Energy Alliance’s West Virginia Energy and Manufacturing Forum was one of several similar events happening across the region. A group of 50 people representing pipeline, labor, construction, and manufacturing interests met to discuss the potential and pitfalls facing energy industries in West Virginia today.
Brydon Ross VP of State Affairs for Consumer Energy Alliance says the mission of these events is largely to unify businesses behind a goal of building up energy infrastructure in the region.
“It’s the producers, the people in the supply chain, and in the labor community as well really stand to benefit if we can get the YES on the construction projects that we’ve got sitting right now at our federal agencies,” Ross said.
Ross is referring to pipeline projects like the Atlantic Coast Pipeline and the Rover pipeline.
Speakers included Congressman David McKinley and state Senate President and GOP gubernatorial nominee Bill Cole.