Tell WVPB which TV and radio programs you prefer – take our new member survey!
We want your help in improving our programming.
For many reasons, West Virginia Public Broadcasting is saying goodbye to some of our programs on both radio and TV.
Some of the reason is financial – a $1 million budget cut is leading us to make some difficult programming choices. In other cases, the shows are no longer being produced (Car Talk) or are so old, they can no longer be played back on our equipment (certain BBC TV shows from the 70s, 80s and 90s.)
That’s where YOU can help. If you’re a member of West Virginia Public Broadcasting, you can take our member survey and let us know which programs you’d like to see on our air.
(And if you need to become a member or renew your membership first, that’s easy! CLICK HERE to become a member, then take our survey.)
“Car Talk” has been a popular part of our Saturday morning routine for more than 30 years at WVPB. But after the death of host Tom Magliozzi, the show has been 100 percent reruns, and the producers have announced they are ceasing production in September.
Take our member survey and let us know what you think about a variety of potential shows to air on radio Saturday mornings.
After more than 20 years, we will say goodbye to the British comedy lineup on Saturday morning television. These programs are delivered via old broadcast tapes, which makes them difficult to air using our newer equipment.
Also, the cost to air these re-run programs continues to increase. Meanwhile, the BBC and other distributors are decreasing the shows they make available to us, in favor or their proprietary streaming and cable services.
Take our member survey and let us know what you think about a variety of potential shows to air on TV Saturday mornings.
We also say goodbye to “The Lawrence Welk Show” on Saturday evenings. We realize the show has a loyal following, and generates much nostalgia among many of us.
Unfortunately, the cost of airing this program has grown to about 25 percent of our non-PBS acquisition budget, and is no longer feasible for WVPB. The viewership and financial support for “Lawrence Welk” has declined over the years, and the program no longer pays for itself.
You, our viewers and listeners, have a big impact on our programming choices. We want to hear from our members to see what types of programs you want to see and hear over the coming years. Do you want more arts, more history, more science, more how-to programs, more drama, more comedy, more news and public affairs? Let us know!