Gov. Tomblin Marks 9/11 with Wreath Ceremony, Meets with First Responders

This morning Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin laid a wreath near the Fallen Firefighter’s Memorial on the State Capitol grounds to mark the twelfth anniversary of the attacks on September 11, 2001.

On this day 12 years ago, Governor Tomblin was serving as Senate President in the State Legislature. He said he first heard reports of the planes striking the World Trade Center as he was getting ready for the day while the legislature was in special session. Tomblin said he rushed to the Capitol and watched the rest of the day’s events unfold.

“It was one of those times when we had a quick session. Everyone was very concerned. We had never really experienced anything like this before. Shortly thereafter, I sent the members of the Senate home, our staff home. People were just stunned and didn’t know what was going to happen next,” said Tomblin.

Tomblin also met briefly with first responders and officials from the state Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management at the ceremony, including Frank Kennedy.

Now a training officer with the state Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, Kennedy responded to the September 11 attacks as a marine patrol officer with the East Hampton, N.Y. Police Department. Having patrolled the perimeter of the World Trade Center for 36 hours until the National Guard could be deployed, Kennedy said it took a while to learn about those he knew who perished in the attack.

“It’s an exceedingly tough day. It’s a day I probably don’t watch the news at all,” said Kennedy. “I lost six friends that were NYPD officers and five friends that were FDNY officers–people I grew up with and had known my whole life.”

Credit Dave Mistich
At the Sept. 11 wreath ceremony Gov. Tomblin shakes hands with Frank Kennedy, Training Officer for the State Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management. Kennedy was a first responder in with the East Hampton, N.Y. Police Department New York City 12 years ago.

Upon retirement, Kennedy moved to West Virginia to be close to his son and decided to go back to work with the Department of Homeland Security, a move he said somewhat helps him cope with the experience of being on the scene in New York City 12 years ago. He said it’s also helped him see the importance of the work of first responders.

“It’s not just New York that was affected. Obviously, D.C. was affected,  Pennsylvania and very well West Virginia could have been affected if that plane had flown a little longer,” said Kennedy.

“I think it is something every American should be concerned about and remember because there was people running in while other people were running out. That’s the nature of first responders.”

Manchin proposes alternative to striking Syria

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) continues to lobby for a bill he’s cosponsoring with Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.) promoting a diplomatic solution to problems in Syria.

Manchin and Heitkamp have proposed a joint resolution that would give Syria’s president 45 days to agree to sign the Chemical Weapons Convention and comply with its provisions. The Convention prohibits the development, stockpiling or use of chemical weapons and requires they be destroyed.

At this point Manchin opposes the Obama Administration’s proposed limited military strike.

“The question I continue to ask myself which I’m sure you all have and all American have and anyone you’ve asked, is there an imminent threat to our country and to our people. And I have found that to be absolutely not the case,” Manchin said.

Manchin said he decided to oppose immediate US military intervention after spending last week listening to all sides of the issue during Senate hearings.

“But I have to ask why are we the only ones going alone, why does it rise to the level that we should be the ones acting,” he said. “If the Arab League is not willing to go in and help their people if you will, and take the lead, if the rest of the international community has not come to the aid and not willing to come to the aid for different reasons why should we.”

Manchin said the resolution also requires the Obama administration to work at finding a diplomatic solution to preventing Syria from using chemical weapons again.

Vigil held to show opposition to strike on Syria

With the possibility of a U.S. attack on Syria still in limbo, a new poll released Monday by the Pew Research Center and USA Today suggests an overwhelming majority of Americans stand in opposition. A group sharing the same sentiment came together for a vigil in Charleston Monday night with hopes that Congress will hear their message.

West Virginia Citizen Action Group and West Virginia Patriots for Peace organized the vigil along Kanawha Boulevard in front of Haddad Riverfront Park. Members of the groups and other concerned citizens held signs saying “No Boots, No Bombs, No Way” and others urging passersby to call their representatives in Congress and speak out against possible military force.

Executive Director for West Virginia Citizen Action Group Gary Zuckett said he cares about the people caught in Syria’s civil war but he believes military action might only make matters worse.

“We feel bombing [Syria] is not the road to peace and that we really need to have an international solution and an international community working on a solution to that—hopefully a peaceful solution,” said Zuckett.

“Going in there right now and bombing Assad’s equipment is not going to stop the killing and may very well escalate the conflict out of that country and into the whole region,” he argued.

Zuckett said the Charleston vigil was one of countless events Monday around the state and country showing opposition to U.S. military action in Syria.

Despite growing national sentiment against U.S. military involvement in Syria, other groups in the area have recently called on President Obama to strike. Members of the West Virginia chapter of the Syrian American Council and others  gathered at the state Capitol on Wednesday, August 28 to rally in support of the use of U.S. military force. 

Manchin won't support a strike on Syria

With a vote expected in Congress next week, Senator Joe Manchin says he will not support a U.S. military strike over alleged chemical weapons attacks by…

With a vote expected in Congress next week, Senator Joe Manchin says he will not support a U.S. military strike over alleged chemical weapons attacks by President BasharAl-Assad on the people of Syria.


In a news release, Manchin said he has attended hearings before the Senate Armed Services Committee, of which he is a member, and the Senate Foreign Relations Committees, of which he is not. He said he has also attended classified briefings with the Obama Administration and has met with national security and foreign policy experts with hopes to seek more information on a potential attack on Syria. 


“The decision to use U.S. military force is one of the most serious decisions I have ever made,” said Manchin in the release. 


Manchin said he cannot support the Senate Foreign Relations Committee’s resolution passed on Wednesday that calls for a “limited and tailored” strike.  That resolution would limit a strike to 60 days with an option to be extended another 30 days after a consultation with Congress. It would also block the use of U.S. troops on the ground.  


Despite these limitations, Manchin said he does not support a strike on Syria.


“In good conscience, I cannot support the Senate Foreign Relations Committee’s resolution and will be working with my colleagues and the administration to develop other options,” he said.  


Manchin said he believes the U.S. should exhaust all diplomatic options and have a comprehensive plan for international involvement before a strike occurs.

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