Chris Schulz Published

Resources Available To Help Voters Prepare For the Polls

A blue and red sign for early voting posted in front of polling station.Kamil Krzaczynski/Getty Images

With early voting starting Wednesday, the League of Women Voters (LWV) is helping citizens prepare to go to the polls. is billed as a “one stop shop” for election information and tools to help navigate the voting process. The resource is available nationwide but personalized by zip code to provide early voting dates, polling place locations, and other helpful election information.

“From city council races to the presidential election, it is crucial voters in West Virginia make their voices heard this election year,” said Autumn Summers, voter service chair of the LWV of WV. “VOTE411 provides voters with the resources they need to make an informed vote this fall. The League of Women Voters of WV has published our voter guide on VOTE411 as a resource for all West Virginia voters so they are prepared to vote confidently.”

The League of Women Voters of West Virginia has also created a nonpartisan voter guide, designed to help voters understand where candidates up and down the ballot stand on the issues. To make the guide, the League asked local, state, and federal candidates about issues of importance, and candidates’ responses are shared word for word. 

“The League of Women Voters of WV is pleased to provide this important, nonpartisan resource to West Virginia voters,” said Summers. “However, despite repeated outreach from the League and VOTE411, some candidates have not yet answered our questions. Voters deserve to hear directly from all candidates running for office in their communities. We’re asking all candidates to respond so voters will know where they stand on the issues that matter to them.”.
Voters are also encouraged to review information from the Secretary of State’s voter information portal at