Human life is fragile. For many of us, the coronavirus pandemic has been a harsh reminder of that.
One of the most difficult parts of the pandemic has been the inability of family and friends to be by the side of those dying in their last moments or gather in person to celebrate the lives of those we have lost.
With that in mind, West Virginia Public Broadcasting would like to help memorialize residents of the state who have died as a result of COVID-19.
Some of us have lost someone we know personally, while others have seen the number of deaths rise but know that those numbers represent real people — people who lived unique and interesting lives.
While we are interested in hearing about how COVID-19 affected each of those who have died in the state, we also would like to learn more about their lives before their diagnosis.
How would you describe this person to a stranger? What did they do for a living? What types of things did they enjoy outside of their job? What is a memory you will have of this person forever?
If you are a family member or a close friend of someone who has died from COVID-19, please fill out this form so that we may help our community remember your loved one. Once you have filled out the form, we will follow up for additional information and request media (photos, video, audio, etc.) that would help tell this person’s story.
Please share this post so that we can create a space for other West Virginians — and all others around the world — to learn more about those we have lost during the pandemic.
While West Virginia Public Broadcasting does understand the seriousness of a request such as this, please understand that we will be fact-checking all information provided to ensure those who are memorialized are done so with honor and respect.