
Group Advocates for Destigmatizing Abortion


A national reproductive health advocacy group is stopping in Charleston today to increase local conversation about abortion.

One in three women have an abortion in their lifetime, according to the group Advocates for Youth who is hosting a campaign by the same name.

Charleston its sixth stop on the 1 in 3 Campaign is nationwide tour. The tour includes stops in states with some of the strictest abortion laws in the country.

West Virginia advocates will gather tonight at the union building at 9 and at the Capitol at 10 after Live at the Levee to host a lightshow.

“West Virginians want to increase access to care and education rather than take itaway,” said WV FREE Executive Director, Margaret Chapman Pomponio in a press release about the initiative. “We want quality, affordable health care, maternity care, access to family planning, responsible sex education and options for unintended pregnancies.”

The tour will culminate Saturday, June 18, at the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington.

Appalachia Helth News

Appalachia Health News is a project of West Virginia Public Broadcasting, with support from the Benedum Foundation.