Energy Corporation of America still hasn’t decided whether to turn one of its former gas wells in northern West Virginia into an underground injection well.
ECA is thinking about putting an underground injection well in Preston County, near Decker’s Creek. The company is still investigating this proposal and hasn’t come to a conclusion about what it will do.
This possibility has upset many recreationists who use and want to preserve the Decker’s Creek Watershed. Earlier this year, the Friends of Decker’s Creek held a public meeting about the proposal. The group’s executive director, Elizabeth Wiles, says it would harm the watershed, which is bouncing back from years of acid mine drainage problems.
“We have implemented a number of water quality improvement projects that have shown water quality is improving, fish populations are coming back, especially in the areas upstream of where this well would be located,” said Wiles earlier this year.
If ECA decides to go through with the project, it would be establishing a Class Two injection well, which basically takes brine water and fluids from natural gas drilling operations and injects the waste into the ground.